We leave Wellington tomorrow for Cape Kidnappers close to Napier. It has been a fun couple of days, but we are ready to move on down the road or should say island! On our first day, we took a tour of the city with a guide from our hotel. While we loved going to the Weta Cave and seeing as the locals call the suburb where Weta Works and the Weta Cave...Wellie-world, we got really bored with our tour of parliament. Yes, the buildings are all pretty, but we had 6 Chinese men, 4 Germans, and 2 Australians on the parliament tour with us. Only one of the Chinese spoke or understood English.....and there was no translating going on....they got bored quick! They kept clapping and saying the only English words they knew throughout the tour...."Thank you!" and they would try to leave. Well, you can't leave during the tour....you are a prisoner of then tour! And then you had one German man asking all kinds of political questions that were really statements. Our guide was really nice and trying to make it interesting. Today, was my favorite. We went on a Lord Of the Rings tour of locations where different scenes were shot. It was all so much fun and very interesting. All of the sets and any sign of them are gone except for the signs for Rivendell at the Kaitoke Regional Park. The park rangers grew weary of tourists asking for directions. Our guide was in the trilogy in several different parts. He was the driver of the mumak (that looks like an elephant) that Legolas killed.
Some of then places that we got to see that fellow LOTR lovers will recognize were: The Pelennor fields, Dunharrow, The Black Gate, Minas Tirith, Helm's Deep, River Anduin, Rohan River, Isengard Gardnens, the Orc Tree, the Fords of Isen, Lothlorien, the Gladden fields, and the Paths of the Dead. I did learn that with many of the scenes, it may consist of being shot here with a background from the south island and with eith computer imagery or sculpters and sets that were made out of styrofoam! We were joined by 5 cute college freshman from Northeastern in Boston. Wellington is a beautiful coastal town!
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