Wednesday, September 4, 2013

It’s Never Easy to Go Home...Especially When ONE Leg of the Trip is a 15 Hour Plane Ride!!!

It’s Never Easy to Go Home...Especially When ONE Leg of the Trip is a 15 Hour Plane Ride!!!
UGH!  It’s time to go back to Mississippi for us and to New York for Davis!  We were packed before breakfast this morning so that we could go on one last game drive with our beloved Alberto!  By the way, we LOVED the breakfasts at Jao!  They are the best!!  Before our game drive, Barry had an event!  He was walking from our tent to the lodge on the elevated walkway.  A large male baboon was on the walkway and saw Barry.  Instead of running away, he charged Barry while baring his teeth.  They can be quite scary!  I have seen baboons taunt leopards which are their mortal enemy!  If this event had happened to me instead of Barry, he would have said that I had an exciting adventure!  Hmmm....  We had fun seeing a marabou stork up close and personal!  They are one of the ugliest birds that God created!  We saw lots of elephants of all sizes.  We had a few charge our vehicle which makes Davis understandably nervous.  We also saw a red lechwe that only had 1 antler.  The antlered animals in Africa (at least this is my understanding) don’t shed their antlers yearly like the deer in the USA do;  if you lose one, it is too bad!  Time went by way too quickly and it was time to meet the plane to begin the very long trip back to Mississippi!  Our first leg took us from Jao Camp to Chitabe Camp.  From Chitabe to Maun, Botswana.  After clearing customs, we flew from Maun to Johannesburg, South Africa where we had to go back through customs.  In Johannesburg we had a layover before boarding the extremely LONG Delta flight back to Atlanta.  This is the longest flight that Delta airlines has.  Before boarding we were at the Delta gate in line to board.  A very intoxicated and obnoxious American man was insisting that he talk to a Delta agent.  He wanted an upgrade.  He kept telling the agents that he traveled for a living and blah blah blah.  They didn’t let him talk to  the agent.  He was sent to the back of the line or told he could go to the Delta counter.  Poor Davis, the icky man was seated right next to him in the middle seat.  I don’t think he was pleasant, but I think he passed out after having many drinks of straight up Vodka so that the trip was tolerable for Davis.  We sailed through customs in Atlanta with no problems and for once it wasn’t raining and we left on time!  That is a miracle in Atlanta!  Even though I am now home.  I think I may continue this in a frequent basis...but probably not every day.  I do have some funny and/or interesting things that happened or that we saw that I didn’t cover in the daily posts.  We will see....  Thanks for traveling with me!!!

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