Sunday, December 11, 2011

Paradise....we found it!!

As I write (maybe the last post on my blog), I am on a jet somewhere over the Pacific on a course that will take me back to reality. This has been a phenomenal experience. I have loved almost everywhere we have been.....I have loved ALL of the people we have met.....natives and fellow travelers alike. I have left little pieces of my heart all over Africa, New Zealand, and Sydney. I truly don't have ONE favorite place! Sure, there are favorites.....but every place has it's pros and cons. Barry and I saw a road sign that we both loved near our last stop....Blanket Bay. The simple sign pointed south and read:
"12 km"
"No Exit"
Well, of course we drove there! Unfortunately, U-turns are mandatory. We couldn't stay there. And though the place may be named really isn't. It is being with our family and friends. Though we have loved this journey.....I am excited to get back to our own paradise and celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus with all of the people we love! Thanks for going on this journey with us. Have a very Merry Christmas!
(Who knows???? I may keep blogging!)

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