Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Oh! My!

It is late afternoon at Olonana. It is raining softly outside with a distant rumble of thunder every now and then. Reminds us both of rainy Sundays at DeSoto and Alpine...until we hear the loud chortles and splashes of the hippos right outside our window.....and that would be a tent window. We elected to not go back out on a game drive this afternoon...we are just piddling. We had such an unbelievable morning! We saw 8 lions and thousands of zebras, wildebeest, gazelles, cape buffalo and other things that I surely can't spell! The plains were brimming with hundreds of elephants, giraffes, and so on. I just can't describe what it is like seeing this huge open plains called the Mara that is literally filled animals everywhere you turn! The Great Migration is indescribable! Other highlights today were coming up on a lion kill...they had taken down a Cape Buffalo....had their fill and left the rest for the vultures to fight over. We got to witness a very unique encounter in the river...Huge crocodiles had gotten a large zebra as they were crossing the river. They were fighting over the zebra when along came a hippo that fought for the zebra, too. Hippos are the only thing that crocs are afraid of. There was one hippo and about 12 crocs! We saw the hippo bite several crocs! Very exciting! I didn't even feel faint when the river water turned red! I will have to say that being woken up this morning by 8 hippos was pretty fun, too! Will post pics on FB. This blog will hardly let me upload any pics! Instead of piddling....we really had massages. The spa treatment room is open on one side over the river. It was pretty special...

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